Jaime Bosque Torrecilla
My personal site (aka hoyhabloyo.com)
Hey, thanks for coming to this small corner of the Internet! This is the website where I put many of the things I want to share with the world.
Curriculum Vitae
If you ended up here looking for my CV you might download one of the latest versions here. I am using LaTeX to build it. For very long time I adapted ModernCV but since 2024 I moved to a modified version of AltaCV which I find more appealing.
Projects (current or past)
This is a list of my projects (those marked with an * can be considered archived)
Writing, etc
- In textos you can find some of the things I write to empty my brain or where I put the assignments of my writing courses.
- For many years I wrote a blog it was originally hosted in Wordpress but I migrated it to so I could host it in my server with minimum resources. I wrote 194 posts during those years, received ~1k comments and for a while I was in the top search of some engines while searching for information about moving to different countries. In total I have received 350K views and I peaked in 2012 with ~60k views.
- My previous personal website was coded from scratch and run some Perl scripts to pull some info from other sources. It was a very minimal CMS before I went for something else (Jekyll at the moment).
- My Github profile contains several repositories.
- During November 2015 I followed a data visualization course on coursera. The course showed how to use Python, Pandas and Seaborn to analyse and present data. We were asked to elaborate a hipothesis and use the tools mentioned to assess if our hipothesis was right or wrong. I was interested in evaluating in Aldoux Huxley was right or wrong when he claimed that “the amount of information in Brave New World would make people drown in it and become passive and egoistic” so I used the information and tools provided in the course to prove him wrong (kind of). All the assignments can be found in this other site I built.
More about me…
I used to include a bio of me in my sites but I don’t think it make sense any more. Probably if you go deep enough in the previous links you can have an idea of who I am. But if you get very curious you can always write me an email to jaime-removethis@jotabete.com.